List of Mathematics and Mathematics Education Journals



For the Learning of Mathematics


An International Journal of Mathematics Education.


The journal is published three times a year, in February, June and November. Internet: (Address: FLM Publishing Association, c/o MSTE Group, Faculty of Education, A234 McArthur Hall, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6)


The journal aims to stimulate reflection on mathematics education at all levels, and promote study of its practices and its theories: to generate productive discussion; to encourage enquiry and research; to promote criticism and evaluation of ideas and procedures current in the field. It is intended for the mathematics educator who is aware that the learning and teaching of mathematics are complex enterprises about which much remains to be revealed and understood.




The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics


Web Address: . (Address: 1906 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1593, USA)


The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is a public voice of mathematics education supporting teachers to ensure equitable mathematics learning of the highest quality for all students through vision, leadership, professional development and research in United States of America. It publishes different journals for members:


(a)       Teaching Children Mathematics


Teaching Children Mathematics (TCM) is an official journal of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and is intended as a resource for elementary school students, teachers, and teacher educators. The focus of the journal is on intuitive, exploratory investigations that use informal reasoning to help students develop a strong conceptual basis that leads to greater mathematical abstraction. TCM is published nine times a year, monthly August through May, with a combined December/January issue.


(b)       Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School


Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School (MTMS) is an official peer-reviewed journal of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and is intended as a resource for middle school students, teachers, and teacher educators. The focus of the journal is on intuitive, exploratory investigations that use informal reasoning to help students develop a strong conceptual basis that leads to greater mathematical abstraction. MTMS is published nine times a year, monthly August through May, with a combined December/January issue and a yearly focus issue in February.



(c)        Mathematics Teacher


The Mathematics Teacher, an official journal of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, is devoted to improving mathematics instruction from grade 8-14 and supporting teacher education programs. It provides a forum for sharing activities and pedagogical strategies, deepening understanding of mathematical ideas, and linking mathematics education research to practice.

Mathematics Teacher solicits submissions from high school mathematics teachers, university mathematicians, and mathematics educators and strongly encourages manuscripts in which ideas relate to classroom practice. MT is published nine times a year, monthly August through May, with a combined December/January issue.


(d)       Mathematics Teacher Educator


This is a new online journal which will be published from Summer 2012 onwards. The Mathematics Teacher Educator will contribute to building a professional knowledge base for mathematics teacher educators that stems from, develops, and strengthens practitioner knowledge. The journal will provide a means for practitioner knowledge related to the preparation and support of teachers of mathematics to be not only public, shared, and stored, but also verified and improved over time (Hiebert, Gallimore, and Stigler 2002). Mathematics Teacher Educator will be a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal for practitioners. Initially, two issues of the journal will be published each year.


(e)        Journal for Research in Mathematics Education


The Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME), an official journal of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, is devoted to the interests of teachers of mathematics and mathematics education at all levels-preschool through adult. JRME is a forum for disciplined inquiry into the teaching and learning of mathematics. The editors encourage the submission of a variety of manuscripts: reports of research, including experiments, case studies, surveys, philosophical studies, and historical studies; articles about research, including literature reviews and theoretical analyses; brief reports of research; critiques of articles and books; and brief commentaries on issues pertaining to research. The JRME is published five times a year, November, January, March, May, and July.




 The Mathematical Association (MA), United Kingdom


Web address: (Address: The Mathematical Association, 259 London Road, Leicester LE2 3BE, UK)


The MA was the first teachers’ subject association to be formed in England, in 1871, as the Association for the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching, the original catalyst being the need to develop and to lobby for alternatives to the then standard treatment of geometry. The Association’s

history is located within a broad context of changes in the educational system, developments in

educational and mathematical thought, the growth of professionalism, and wider social, political and economic forces which influence the curriculum. MA reports and publications became standard references in the growing international interest in mathematics education throughout the 20th century.


MA publishes a number of journals:


(a)       Mathematics in School


Mathematics in School is a lively and resource packed A4 journal aimed at teachers of primary and secondary pupils, students in training and all those with a professional interest in mathematics education. Contents include contributions from mathematics practitioners at all levels and its pages reflect the best of current thinking and practice by exploring further development and sharing practical experience. Readers will find helpful advice on general teaching methods and each issue guarantees numerous articles of relevance and a book/product reviews section. Importantly, the wealth of material used in every issue has photo copy rights thereby providing busy teachers with hands on classroom resources.


(b)       The Mathematical Gazette


The Mathematical Gazette readership is a mixture of school teachers, college and university lecturers, educationalists and others with an interest in mathematics. This is one of the World's leading journals in its field, publishing articles about the teaching and learning of mathematics with a focus on the

15-20 age range and expositions of attractive areas of mathematics. Regular sections include letters, extensive book reviews and a problem corner.


(c)        Primary Maths


Primary Mathematics is issued three times a year. The content is often but not always themed and tries to blend ideas for classroom activities with articles about research, and some writing intended to provoke discussion, as well as reviews and up to date news. The editor is always delighted to receive copy, especially from classroom teachers, and is happy to give help and/or advice on the presentation and style of these.


(d)       Equals


Equals Mathematics and Special Educational Needs is a resource for those working to ensure that all pupils will benefit from mathematics. Classroom teachers need the best support to develop good practice in line with current initiatives and it is the aim of Equals to provide this support in a number of practical ways. Age range: 3-18+ years.


Equals is produced by teachers and curriculum/SEN specialists dedicated to opening up mathematics to low attainers. In practical terms it provides support through the exchange of ideas to help teachers reveal the excitement and applicability of mathematics to those who have in the past found the subject inaccessible and/or irrelevant.


(e)        Mathematical Pie


Mathematical Pie is an eight-page A5 magazine published three times a year. It is aimed at pupils from 10 to 14 years of age, but is read by all age groups. Each issue contains a variety of problems and challenges, stimulating mathematical activity. The questions vary in their difficulty so that there are suitable starting points for all ages of student. Mathematical Pie Notes are produced to enable the problems to be easily adapted for schools and to show possible extensions into further activity.

Mathematical Pie has shown itself to be an easy and enjoyable method of involving students in extra-curricular activity. For those who enjoy mathematics it is a must.


(f)         Symmetry Plus


Symmetry Plus is a bright, colourful and lively magazine containing articles, puzzles, problems and competitions for all those who enjoy their mathematics. It is aimed at pupils and students of all ages, but especially those from 10 to 18 years. It has 16 colour pages in A4 format and is published three times a year (spring, summer and autumn).




Mathematical Association of America (MAA)


Web address: (Address: Mathematical Association of America, 1529 Eighteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036-1385, USA)


The MAA is a non-profit, independent, membership organization. It all began in 1894 with the American Mathematical Monthly - and ever since, the MAA has been providing mathematicians with the best expository articles, engaging problems, and articles devoted to teaching collegiate mathematics. In 1915, we became the MAA. It publishes the following journals:


(a)       The American Mathematical Monthly


The American Mathematical Monthly publishes articles, notes, and other features about mathematics and the profession. Its readers span a broad spectrum of mathematical interests and abilities. Authors are invited to submit articles and notes that bring interesting mathematical ideas to a wide audience of Monthly readers.


(b)       Mathematics Magazine


The Mathematics Magazine is published by the Mathematical Association of America bimonthly except July/August. Mathematics Magazine aims to provide lively and appealing mathematical expositions that are attractive and accessible to undergraduates or in stimulating student investigations.


(c)        The College Mathematics Journal


The College Mathematics Journal is designed to enhance classroom learning and stimulate thinking regarding undergraduate mathematics. It publishes articles, short Classroom Capsules, problems,


solutions, media reviews and other pieces. All are aimed at the college mathematics curriculum with emphasis on topics taught in the first two years.


(d) MAA Focus


MAA FOCUS is the news magazine of the MAA. It contains information about MAA activities, news about mathematics and the mathematical community, and lively articles about interesting new (or sometimes not so new) ideas in mathematics, mathematics education, and related areas. It is published six times a year and is received by all members of the MAA.




Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM)


Web address: .    (Address: 7 Prime Industrial Park, Shaftesbury Street, Derby DE23 8YB, U.K.                          International Phone Number: +44 1332 346599 Email:


The Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM) was established in 1950 to encourage the development of mathematics education such that it is more closely related to the needs of the learner. There are about 4 000 members - mainly teachers in primary and secondary schools. The ATM provides opportunities to bring together all concerned with mathematics education for all age ranges. It produces policy statements and publishes response to National and Government initiatives. ATM publishes the following journals:



(a)       Mathematics Teaching


Mathematics Teaching is the journal of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics. It is a professional journal sent to all members of the Association. It is not a refereed journal.


(b)       Micromath


Though it does not exist anymore, but articles from Micromath, those that we feel still have relevance or interest today, can still be found from the website.




School Science And Mathematics Association (SSMA)


Web Address: (Address: School Science and Mathematics Association, Curriculum and Foundations, Bloomsburg University, 400 East Second Street, Bloomsburg, PA 17815-1301, USA)


The School Science and Mathematics Association is an inclusive professional community of researchers and teachers who promote research, scholarship, and practice that improves school science and mathematics and advances the integration of science and mathematics. SSMA focuses on

promoting research-based innovations related to K-16 teacher preparation and continued professional


enhancement in science and mathematics. Target audiences include higher education faculty members, K-16 school leaders and K-16 classroom teachers.


SSMA publishes an international journal, School Science and Mathematics; a newsletter, Mathematics-Science Connector; and two monograph series, Topics for Teachers and Classroom Activities.


(a)       School Science and Mathematics


The SSMA Journal, School Science and Mathematics, is now published by Wiley Blackwell Publishers. It is published monthly from October through May.


(b)       Published Monographs


The School Science and Mathematics Association publishes monographs in two series: Classroom Activities and Topics for Teachers. Classroom Activities provide science and mathematics activities for use in the classroom and are primarily intended for K-12 classroom teachers. Topics for Teachers present research-based emphasize leadership issues and/or targeted science and mathematics educators and school leaders.




The American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Web Address: (Address: 201 Charles Street, Providence, RI 02904-2294 USA)


The AMS, founded in 1888 to further the interests of mathematical research and scholarship, serves the national and international community through its publications, meetings, advocacy and other programs, which (i) promote mathematical research, its communication and uses, (ii) encourage and promote the transmission of mathematical understanding and skills, (iii) support mathematical education at all levels, (iv) advance the status of the profession of mathematics, encouraging and facilitating full participation of all individuals, and (v) foster an awareness and appreciation of mathematics and its connections to other disciplines and everyday life.


Journals Published by the AMS


The AMS has published peer-reviewed journals of the highest quality in mathematical research for over 100 years. Each journal is unique in its offering of articles, book reviews, and reports. And each is managed by editors who are prominent in their fields. In addition to publishing and distributing printed journals, the AMS offers searchable electronic versions. Articles are posted before they are included in an issue, so the electronic versions are available prior to the print versions.


(a)    Print and Electronic Journals


The electronic versions of most AMS and AMS-distributed journals are free to print subscribers. Articles are posted before they are included in an issue, so the electronic versions are available prior


to the print versions.       Access to Abstract pages and article references that include links to MathSciNet® reviews is available free to anyone. Subscribers to electronic versions of AMS journals automatically receive free access to two electronic-only AMS journals, Conformal Geometry and Dynamics and Representation Theory.


(i)         Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society


(ii)       Journal of the American Mathematical Society


(iii)     Mathematics of Computation


(iv)     Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society


(v)       Notices of the American Mathematical Society


(vi)     Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society


(vii)   Transactions of the American Mathematical Society


(b) Electronic-Only Journals


(i)         Conformal Geometry and Dynamics


(ii)       Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society (1995-2007)


(iii)    Representation Theory Translation Journals

(i)         St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal


(ii)       Sugaku Expositions


(iii)     Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics


(iv)     Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society






由上海教育出版社編 SHANGHAI JIAOYU CHUBANSHE [雙月  地上海永福路 123 上海教育出版社。郵編:200031)


《小學數學教師是一份小學數學教育的專業性期      本雜誌是把握教改?理論聯系實際,





由中國教育學會主辨 (ISSN 1006-3439) [月  地址:北京西三環北路 105 號,首都師範大學學樓 401 室。郵編:100037)


《中小學數學   (初中版)》是以指導中小學數學教學和學習的月刊。它具有嚴謹性、導向性、實用性和先備性的豐富文章。






由中國數學會普委會主辦 [月刊] (地址:北京西三環北路 105 號,首都師範大學數學系。郵編: 100037)


《中學生數學》含有不同類型的文章。包括有學好基礎知識、思路與方法、數學史話、趣味數  學、競賽之窗等豐富內容。




《統計教育》(Statistical Education)


由國家統計局統計教育中心、中國統計教育學會主辦  [雙月刊]  (地址:北京市西城區月壇南街75 號,《統計教育》編輯部。郵編:100826)


《統計教育》包含有關統計教育、統計教育改革、統計工作、統計教材建設、信息窗等豐富文  章。






由華東師範大學數學系主辦 [雙月刊] (地址:上海中山北路 3663 號,華東師範大學出版社。郵編:200062)


《數學教學》是刊登有關數學開放題研究,數學教學研究、數學應用研究、現代教學技術、考  試之窗等豐富文章。



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